Mirror Reflections – Bhutan & Russia

thoughts of an expat

If there were ever two countries that are shrouded in mystery it would be these two. But other countries as well have their mysteries, stories, history, and much more. I introduce these two now because it’s been over a year since I started creating my Mirror Reflections series. It all began when I found two pictures, one from Russia the other from Canada. I was amazed at how similar they both looked and decided to present them showing that even though these two are so vastly separated by space, they can still have similar beauty. I just finished a project on my Mirror Reflections page – You can now reach any of the posts from here. I’ve already created posts for almost 140 of the 202 countries that have visited my blog. It’s my hopes to finish them up and present them all to my readers. Part of my vision is that those who visit will stop by and check out the Mirror Reflection that represents their country. When you do, leave a comment. Maybe share some information or ideas for future posts. No matter what I hope you enjoy them.


 Life in Bhutan

There has never been doubt among Tibetans, Nepalese, Bhutanese, North Indians, Mongols of Siberia these extraordinary creatures exist. Their countries are vast and largely unexplored can contain many species of animals… Tibetan high lamas of great standing have reported seeing Yetis or bigfoots… I met a few Tibetans who have seen these creatures also they casually related to me…

The Bhutanese believe if one is impure, then when you encounter a Yeti (bigfoot or in Bhutanese: Migyur) will invoke his wrath and he may kill you.

They met a lama at the National Library who shows an 18th Century scripture based on an older scripture that identify and classify what a Yeti or bigfoot is… much interesting footage. It is not a mystery for the them but confirmed many Bhutanese people, Scholars, Doctors and Lamas have sighted the Yeti. A complete description is written of the Yetis in the medical texts and describes them as animals. See more here.


Life in Russia

American explorer Mike Libecki Investigates Mysterious Deaths of Nine Students and Uncovers Something Truly Horrifying
(Los Angeles, Calif.) – On February 2, 1959, nine college students hiked up the icy slopes of the Ural Mountains in the heart of Russia but never made it out alive. Investigators have never been able to give a definitive answer behind who – or what – caused the bizarre crime scene. Fifty-five years later, American explorer Mike Libecki reinvestigates the mystery – known as The Dyatlov Pass incident – but what he uncovers is truly horrifying.

RUSSIAN YETI: THE KILLER LIVES, a 2-hour special airing Sunday, June 1 at 9 PM ET/PT on the Discovery Channel, follows Mike as he traces the clues and gathers compelling evidence that suggests the students’ deaths could be the work of a creature thought only to exist in folklore.

Based on diaryACCOUNTS, forensic evidence and files that have just recently been released, Mike pieces together the graphic stories in search of what really happened that evening. According to the investigators at the time, the demise of the group was due to a “compelling natural force.” The students’ slashed tent was discovered first with most of their clothing and equipment still inside. Next, the students’ bodies were found scattered across the campsite in three distinct groups, some partially naked and with strange injuries including crushed ribs, a fractured skull, and one hiker mutilated with her eyes gouged out and tongue removed. See more here.


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